Ravikiran Parameshwara

Ph.D. Candidate, University of Canberra, Australia.


I am a Ph.D. student in the Human-Centred Technology Research Centre at University of Canberra, Australia, since February 2021. I am advised by Dr. Ibrahim Radwan, Prof. Roland Goecke, and Dr. Ramanathan Subramanian. My research interests lie at the intersection of computer vision, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and affective computing.

As an Affective Computing researcher, I develop computer vision algorithms for inferring dimensional human emotions from facial images and videos. My dissertation focuses on implementing novel algorithms for in-the-wild video data with limited number of samples. My previous work includes analysing emotional impairment in Parkinson Disease patients using EEG signals. I also worked on the explainable (X-AI) personality and multimodal behavioural cues for hireability prediction. I have a Masters in Mathematics, with focus on Graph Theory, and theoretical and computational Fluid Mechanics.


(Scroll down or click here for full list.)

Jan 2024 Ph.D. thesis submitted for examination!
Oct 2023 Paper accepted at the Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing (ICVGIP) 2023. Congratulations to all the co-authors!
Sep 2023 Attended ACII 2023 at MIT Media Lab, MA, USA. Our paper preprint is available here.
Jul 2023 Paper accepted at ACM Multimedia 2023. Congratulations to all the co-authors!
Jun 2023 Paper accepted at ACII 2023. Congratulations to the lead author Soujanya Narayana, and co-authors!
Feb 2023 Featured in the UNCOVER magazine. Article: Mentor Match Made in Heaven for UC PhD Plus Candidates. Thanks Adrienne, Kylie, and Tyler!
Jan 2023 Presented our paper at FG 2023. Click for more details.
Jan 2023 Presented my doctoral dissertation plan at FG 2023 Doctoral Consortium (website).
Nov 2022 Attended and volunteered ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) 22 at Bengaluru, India.
Oct 2022 Paper accepted at IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) 2023.
Oct 2022 I’m selected to present my doctoral research at the IEEE FG 2023 Doctoral Consortium. I’m excited to discuss the research with my mentor Dr. Shaun Canavan (University of South Florida, USA).
Feb 2021 Starting Ph.D. at University of Canberra with full scholarship from Australian Research Council (ARC). Excited to be part of the ARC funded project with Ibrahim Radwan, Roland Goecke (PI), and Ramanathan Subramanian.